What Do I LOVE?:)
What do I L.O.V.E.?
v Loves to compose poems and songs
v Loves to watch anime
v Loves to watch a movie marathon at home
v Loves to eat
v Loves to sound tripping
v Loves to sleep
v Loves to go somewhere fun
v Loves God and myself
v Loves to Cosplay anime
v Loves to collect anime items
v Loves to keep valuable items from close family and friends
v Loves to collect stationery papers and stickers
v Loves the color pink and black
v Loves to watch band gigs
v Loves to play with her niece
v Loves babies and children
v Loves to hang-out with friends
v Loves to talk with God
v Loves to be with her family
v Loves the cold breeze NOWJ
v Loves to have snow here in the Philippines
v Loves to eat Korean food dishes in TONG YANG shabu-shabuJ
v Loves to share and listen thoughts from friends
v Loves to cook (even though I’m not a proJ)