These are my Moe-tishes:333
A girl in love with THESE...

(Megane (Japanese, literally "glasses"). guys with glasses; the term is usually restricted to attractive characters where the glasses serve as a fetish object :3
Fetish for cool megane guys <3 <3 <3
Most likely, boys get to have this icon. Megane boys are somewhat mysterious. Coz they really look good on glasses especially when CUTE use to wear it :3

( pronounced [moe]) is a Japanese slang word. It means "a rarefied pseudo-love for certain fictional characters (in anime, manga, and the like) and their related embodiments." Come to be used to mean one particular kind of "adorable", one specific type of "cute", mainly as applied to fictional characters.
Shota boys!
Shotacon (ショタコン shotakon ), sometimes shortened to shota is a Japanese slang of the phrase Shōtarō complex and describes an attraction to young boys, or an individual with such an attraction.
NO.1: Honey-Senpai
Neko boys!
(Neko "cat") Gawd! hope to own my neko boy! that would be AWESOME!!! i'll give him lots of treats & tricks! bwahaha! sounds of evil??? LOL
Featuring: Ritsuka Aoyagi
Bishōnen is a Japanese term literally meaning "beautiful youth (boy)". The equivalent English concept is a "pretty boy".
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